Go Boldly!

Have you ever heard of the poem by Dylan Thomas called “Do not go gentle into that good night”? If you haven’t, the short summary of it is to tell his dad and well anyone else to rage against old age. Go down swinging essentially. And while I think that is a good thing, why…

Week 2: Let’s Up the Ante

This might be your first work out or your second week with us and I still want you to take it slow. I wanted for us to try a bit harder this week. The yoga sessions remained the same, I just increased the sets. If you pull something, if you feel pain, if you have…

A Spicy Lemon Shot Detox

It’s Sunday (or it should have been when I was supposed to post this) and for the life of me, I feel dead inside. I like detoxes, wait… Is that too much of a jump? I mean my head goes all over the place so bear with me here. It’s be a rough weekend and…

The Grit Journey

Hello you lovely people, are you enjoying your weekend? Well, I think I might be but we’ll just have to see once Monday rolls around. I actually wanted to take some time to explain what The Grit Journey was about and how you can join me if you would like. The Objective Grit: Is persevering…

The Grit Journey Begins

When was the last time you gave up on something? For me, it was almost this morning but in honesty it was yesterday. I was supposed to work out, just like all the other times, I was supposed to work out. In my opinion, it is too easy to give up, it’s so inviting to…

A Special Blend Detox

You may or may not be used to me writing detoxes each Sunday. If that’s the case, I would like to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Joy and I love to cook, write poems, and do silly things. I am too hyperactive for my age and that’s okay, I am only hyperactive when my…

Episode 5: Let’s Get Active

Hello! How are you doing today? For me yesterday was rough… Like with two f’s (yes, I know how it’s spelled but let me just have a moment). This week’s podcast is about getting out there and being active. As spring approaches and the pollen comes to make you cry, it’s important to remember that…

Check-In and Reminders

Wow! I’m tired! But this is regular for me. How are you doing today? I hope today has been a good day for you. I wanted to take a moment and check in with you. You see, you are important, maybe not in the world ending kind of way but in the daily interactions kind…

Episode 4: You are more than your activity tracker

I wonder how many times each day you look to see how much calories you have burned. Probably entirely too many times. Do you get up every few hours to get your steps in? I used to do that and it is good to be active all day. But there has to be a limit…

I stopped exercising and food tracking for a week

It’s another month of maybe meeting resolutions and self-doubt. Trying to change your body will indeed be an uphill battle, especially if you need to lose weight and have a disability. Since last year November, I started to really work out. I had the awakening that for an overall healthier life I will have to…